Local Business Listings: Dominate local searches with your business locations
Attract customers & visibility with listings

Tap into three sources of traffic and visibility for all your business locations in one fell swoop with Local Listings:

  • Rank better with a Google Business Profile and local landing pages through a presence in directories.
  • Get found more effectively via directories, which rank in organic search results.
  • Get found precisely in the directories where your target group is searching.

Using this method, you reach those searching in the vicinity who are interested in what you have to offer and ready to close the deal. For you, this means more customers, conversion, leads, traffic, and greater visibility.

In a scalable process, we optimize the central listing (Google Business Profile) for each of your locations, populate, manage and update general, local and industry-specific directory listings and implement professional review management.

Attract customers, impress them and become locally visible with Local Listings

Online Marketing Agentur Berlin

Top rankings in & from business listings

Get visibility with a good ranking within the business directory. Display your directory entry in search results and your directory entry, where the directory will already be displayed dominantly. Help increase visibility, ranking power and traffic. With direct contact or redirection to your website.

Suchmaschinen Agentur Berlin

Greater visibility for your website

Increase your organic rankings with Local Listings and citations in Google search results. Frequent mentions ensure better rankings for the regional keywords searched for by your target group. Maximise impressions, clicks and sales and benefit from the symbiosis of traffic from directory sites and organic searches.

Online Marketing Agentur Berlin

Trust from timelines and consistency

Attract more customers by building trust through consistent, accurate business data and professional corporate design/language across sites. Consistent data improves your ranking and guarantees that prospects can always reach you, and you avoid losing them unnecessarily to the competition.

Performance Marketing Agentur Berlin

Impressive reviews

Use reviews as a customer magnet for your business. Authentic reviews for businesses – whether in a Google Business Profile or directories – make it easy for your target group to make a purchase decision, improve ranking and position, and reinforce your market position vis-à-vis the competition.

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Arrange a free initial consultation

If you want to attract customers online for your local businesses now and in the future and outperform the competition, you must be visible and persuasive. Use Local Listings as an essential part of your local SEO strategy – for every business location. 

In a free and non-binding initial consultation, you will learn how to leverage Local Listings for triple visibility (organic rankings, top rankings and findability in directories), cost-efficiently and significantly increase your performance. Book your free consultation now!

Local Listing: customised solutions for your business locations from a single source

The potential is huge: almost one in three search queries targets a local business. With customised solutions, you can exploit this potential in the best way possible and dominate online customer acquisition in your regional market. To make this happen, we advise, support and accompany you through the entire process – exactly how you need it to achieve your business goals.

Be in an optimal strategic position with an agile partner, so you can implement measures internally or outsource them partially or entirely, focusing on local listings or in direct symbiosis with holistic local SEO.

Online Marketing Agentur Berlin

Local Listing Consulting

Suchmaschinen Agentur Berlin

Local Listing Out Tasking

Online Marketing Agentur Berlin

Local Listing Outsourcing

Building blocks for successful Local Listings

Impress with an optimized Google Business Profile.

Make your business an eye-catcher in search results.

Before the first click, reach & impress the user in the search results.


Relevant directories

List your businesses and appear where your target group is searching.

Use directories that are used by customers and have high rankings.


Business data

Optimized information that turns prospects into customers.

Make it easy for users to contact your business & make purchase decisions.

Generate good and relevant reviews and increase visibility.

Build & expand your reputation as a market leader.

Increase rankings, conversions & sales with review management.

Updated local listings: Consistent data for better rankings.


Uniform data for better rankings & satisfied customers.

Attract customers & search engines with up-to-date, consistent data.

Offsite power through local listings: backlinks increase visibility and traffic.

Offsite power

Attract traffic and gain visibility with backlinks.

Automatically expand link profiles that boost your ranking.

Scalable solutions for multiple locations: Local Listings with one click

With holistic business solutions, you can master massive amounts of references and repeatedly entered data. By using leading Local Listing tools, you save yourself an enormous amount of time and effort:

  • List your businesses in numerous directories, voice assistants and social media networks (depending on region & industry).
  • Update individual data (e.g. opening hours) in one click. 
  • Always up-to-date, uniform data across all directories.
  • Central review management (across locations and platforms).

This streamlined process saves time and costs and increases the return on Local Listings. The more locations there are, the more critical scaling is:

Create local online marketing infrastructure around target audience touchpoints

An individual database is created for each business location and displayed via the tool in the appropriate directories, Yellow Pages and local directories. This allows data for individual locations to be changed independently of other branches – in all directory entries: efficient setup, management and maintenance.

This is how you generate new customers and visibility for each location across the board.

Systematic Local Listings: plannable & measurable successes

A mixture of best-practice Local Listing and individual adaptation to location, business dynamic and industry, coupled with a results-oriented process, brings your businesses visible, measurable and plannable success as quickly as possible.

Plan, build & optimize your project

PLAN: Local Listing Strategy

The basis of strategic alignment is the actual/target analysis and individual objectives. Attractive directories are identified. A database with current NAP data, images, ratings etc., is created for each location.

BUILD: Comprehensive implementation

Individual building blocks are put into practice. A Google Business Profile is created and optimized – this is a free service offered by Google. The data is displayed in relevant directories and managed. Review management is set up.

RUN: Monitoring & Optimization

Continuously measure results, monitor ranking and traffic and identify optimization opportunities based on evidence. Adjust location data in case of changes. Expand Local Listings, create new locations and utilise potential links with other Local SEO measures to become even more visible & successful.

Grab the clicks right from the search result: Google Business Profile as a Local Listing

Make use of the currently most valuable Local Listing, which is already prominently displayed in the search result in a highlighted box (Local Pack) with all relevant business data:

  • Maximum visibility in the Local Pack. 
  • Free coverage (without advertising costs).
  • NAP data, images and reviews at a glance without having to click.
  • Get found on Google Maps.
  • Positioning to stand out from the competition.
  • High conversion rate/lead generation.

If your Google Business Profile appears for a local keyword, potential customers can immediately call, be navigated to your business, visit your website or look at pictures and reviews. Through meticulous optimization, your listing becomes a free customer magnet for your business.

Impress customers with Google Business Profile in search results.
Always up to date with automated management of data in Local Listings.

Automated management and updating

The visibility and persuasiveness of your Business Profile are increased by being filled with SEO-optimized data (for example, name, address, phone, opening hours, price range, category, offers and description). When using a Local Listing tool, you save additional time and effort by integrating the Business Profile into the tool via the API. This allows changes to be made directly to the profile via the tool for maximum consistency with all other Local Listings.

Analysing user behaviour and key indicators enables you to continuously develop and optimize to generate even more visibility, leads and sales via the Business Profile in the future.

Google Business Profile for each location

If you have several locations, you will receive a Google Business Profile for each business branch, which is individually adapted to the location and optimized for sales psychology. At the same time, a uniform design and consistent language strengthen brand perception and create trust.

Centrally manageable via the backend or your Local Listing Tool – location-specific or across all business locations.

The Local Listing tool manages data for all business locations.

Data that really interests & convinces your customers: NAP data, pictures, services, prices, etc.

Your Local Listings are designed so your prospects immediately get the information they need to decide in your favour. At the same time, you increase your trustworthiness and ranking with complete, SEO-optimized, up-to-date and consistent data in the listings.

Relevant data in Local Listings increases visibility.

Every Local Listing must be based on NAP data – Name, Address, Phone. With this information, your customers will find your businesses and can immediately contact you by phone.  


In addition to the NAP data, much more information can be placed in the various directories. Extensive listings with data optimized for sales psychology, and SEO is generated for you. This ensures that as few questions as possible remain unanswered for the user and that no uncertainty arises.

  • Pictures
  • Industry 
  • Category
  • Services
  • Products
  • Prices/price range 
  • Opening hours
  • Special offers

This information is simultaneously placed on your local landing page as structured data for greater visibility. The algorithm can then read and display it as a rich snippet in the search results.

An optimized data set for each location

Before your Local Listings are created, a complete data set is worked out for each location: unique images, special offers, different opening hours, etc. This is used to create your listings automatically with the tool. Changes are continuously made in the data set and thus automatically or manually transferred to the listings.

The Local Listings of your locations can thus be managed centrally in a time- and cost-efficient manner.

Optimized data for each business location - Local Listing.

Show up in the best directories: appear where your customers are looking for you

Local Listings - create visibility in high-quality directories.

List your business or businesses in as many and as high-quality directories as possible to maintain a perfect balance between quality and quantity. Your business will only be listed in directories, both free and paid, that positively affect your visibility, ranking and acquisition. Appear where your customers are looking for you. Suitable directories are characterised by:

  • Visibility on Google: Popular directory across all industries (e.g. Yellow Pages) with content that does not originate from your domain and makes you appear multiple times in the search results.
  • Local dominance: Tailored to your regional area. In return, the “quality” of visitors is extremely high.
  • Industry dominance: Directories in which only companies in your sector are listed (e.g. jameda).

In addition to the classic directories and Yellow Pages, Local Listings are worthwhile on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.), with map providers and voice assistants (e.g. Alexa). Local Listing also works on an international level.

Your website’s Local Listings are analysed to enable it to overtake the top competition. This benchmark is surpassed to reach the top of the rankings and generate more leads in the directories than your competitors.

From general to specific

With the help of these tools, your foundation of Local Listings in the popular directories (category: visibility in Google) will be created. To achieve even better results, especially regionally and industry-specific, we suggest additional listings that do not have an interface to the tool but are worth their weight in gold for your visibility.

In these Local Listings, we manually create a profile for you, fed from the database.

We roll out this process for every one of your branches to be locally networked across the board and generate the necessary visibility in the “Near me” search.

Valuable local directories increase visibility.

Rating management: excel with the best reviews & build positioning

Relevant reviews increase positioning and trust.

Utilise the high appeal of reviews to persuade prospective customers to buy, establish trust, and professionally respond to all reviews. Become the provider who stands out from the competition with lots of good reviews.

  • Attract new customers: Even small changes in star ratings can result in a sales growth of between 30 and 200 per cent (depending on the category). 
  • Improve Google ranking: Good and numerous reviews contribute to about 17 per cent of your location’s ranking. They bring immediate visibility.
  • Build reputation: Good reviews build trust and help you position yourself as a leading provider in the market.

We support you holistically in review generation and reputation management – in relation to Google Business Profile reviews and those in directories (if reviews can be submitted there – e.g. TripAdvisor).

Central tool for managing and responding to reviews

Many locations mean many reviews on different platforms. The tool can be used to make it easy to track reviews, respond to them, manage them centrally or across sites and establish a reliable response process.

Show your target group that you care about their opinion and handle criticism professionally. By consistently responding, even negative reviews can be put into perspective, and the interaction strengthens trust and customer loyalty.

You and your site managers will be notified as soon as a review is submitted. The person authorised to use the tool can reply immediately with text modules or manually. If a review remains unanswered for too long, you will be reminded.

The review tool is connected via interfaces with different review portals and the Google Business Profiles of your locations. This facilitates workflow and enables the central control of reputation management.

Improve star ratings with review management.

Always up to date: automatic updating and deletion of outdated data

Online Marketing Agency many locations

Provide consistent and accurate information in all directories/business directories to attract customers, build trust and improve rankings.

If you have a lot of directory entries and several locations, even small changes mean a lot of effort. With a smart solution, you save yourself time and resources:

Every change can be automatically displayed across all local listings in seconds. If, for example, the address or opening hours change, one click is enough to offer the customer correct data everywhere.

Google Cleaner: have outdated data automatically removed

Never lose another customer because they came across outdated business data. Partially automate and completely delete outdated information from search engines. When there are many sites and a long-term presence in the market, business data accumulates on the internet – e.g. addresses/telephone numbers/emails in directories that are no longer correct.

  • Outdated business data weakens rankings due to inconsistent information. 
  • Customers are confused/see information that is no longer up to date, and they bounce.
  • Legally relevant busines data that is out of date is a risk.

We use a Google Cleaner tool we developed in-house to find and remove this legacy data. All information retrieved from the internet is checked against the correct database. Any deviating entries are deleted semi-automatically. This process can be used efficiently and cost-effectively for each of your sites.

Automatically remove obsolete Local Listing data from multiple locations.

More visibility in local search results, thanks to Local Listings

Backlinks increase the relevance of your site and build trust.

Simultaneously improve the organic ranking of your local landing page through Local Listings. Building directory listings brings you backlinks automatically, which, as an offsite SEO component, indicates to the search engine that your website is relevant and should rank high for the local keywords.

Whenever a Local Listing links to your website, it is a positive ranking signal. This increases the traffic you receive from the directory via referrals and increases the impressions or visitors who become aware of you via organic searches: A perfect symbiosis between local business listings and SEO.

Every directory entry – even without a (back) link – is a citation, which also positively influences rankings.

Offpage SEO: link building is an important part of SEO optimization

Maximise the effect by building a balanced link profile. In addition to the (mostly no follow) links from local business listings, you need further backlinks (do follow) from local or industry-relevant websites, including high-quality content. The more popular and trustworthy the linking website is, the stronger the effect on your own ranking is.

Caution: We focus on the organic building of a natural link profile for you. Entry in so-called spam directories, link partnerships and purchased backlinks have a strong negative influence on your ranking.

Link-building through Local Listings increases visibility.

One step ahead of the competition:

Online Marketing Agentur Berlin

Expertise meets Experience

You benefit from our experience from numerous (large-scale) projects – national and international – which we can also profitably bring into your Local Listings project in combination with current best practice methods. As your partner, we offer flexible, plannable and agile cooperation that leads to measurable success and is characterised by reliable, transparent communication: a tailor-made process and price management.

Suchmaschinen Agentur Berlin

Professional tools for your business

Your project is realised with the top Local business listing tools: extensive directory databases, the latest interface at all times, and maximum security. Our team controls the tools so that your goal is achieved efficiently, and even extensive projects can be realised in a manageable time frame. As an official reseller, we can also offer you a software licence for your use.

Online Marketing Agentur Berlin

Holistic online marketing

The sky's the limit. In addition to local business listings, we are happy to support you through all the various aspects of online marketing. Successful marketing and customer acquisition from a single source: SEO, SEA, social media marketing, content marketing and much more. With internal coordination, you can enjoy the symbiosis of the various online marketing areas.

Performance Marketing Agentur Berlin

Scalable solutions made to measure

We create individual solutions of all sizes. Your business will benefit from consistently high quality and excellent performance, even with thousands of locations. Our best-practice processes, scalable tools, and the ambition to beat or become the benchmark make this possible.

Acquire customers locally now with Local Listings

Use the popularity of directories to attract customers where your target group is searching. Increase your local visibility through better rankings and a Google Business Profile. Impress your target group with consistent data, reviews, images and positioning. 

Get in touch now, free of charge and without obligation.

Find out how we can work together to use Local Listings in a scalable and profitable way for your business! Book your free consultation now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Local Listings offer an effective strategy to help increase the visibility and relevance of a business, especially concerning local search queries. Targeted listings in carefully selected directories and business portals improve rankings in search results and increase the likelihood that potential customers will come across the business listings. Additionally, with free or paid Local Listings, a business can appear multiple times in search results – both through the directory listings and through its own website. This increases the likelihood of being discovered by potential customers and boosts your overall presence in the digital landscape. Using a strategic business list for Local Listing improves discoverability and customer traffic in a short space of time.

When evaluating the relevance of a website, Google considers offsite popularity in addition to technical and content optimization. This involves checking how often and in what context a business is mentioned outside its own website and how many high-quality links point to the website in question. These factors have a significant influence on the visibility of the business in the search results. In particular, referrals from trusted local sites send a strong signal to Google regarding the relevance and trustworthiness of a website. This is also reflected in the fact that entries from local directories often occupy high positions in the search results for local queries.

Therefore, from a strategic point of view, it is crucial that each business is listed in these local and industry-specific directories and portals. This will ensure that the digital playing field will not be solely given over to the competition. Ideally, this leads to “SERP dominance”, where the business is prominently presented in the search results: on the Google Business Profile map through its own website and entries in directories and portals.

Further measures can extend SERP dominance. Entries on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), optimized video and image rankings, and targeted Google Ads can help strengthen the business’s visibility and presence.

The ultimate goal is that potential customers do not bypass the business when searching for specific topics and services. With a well-thought-out and effectively implemented Local Listing approach, a business becomes the first port of call for local customers.

The goal is to make it impossible for potential customers to bypass your business when searching for specific topics and services.

One in three search queries comes from customers looking for services or products in their region. The local proximity of the actual geographical location directly influences the ranking, i.e. a business close to the searcher will always be ahead of a purely online service in local search queries.

As a rule, the business portals put the entry online immediately after it has been created. Sometimes there can be waiting times of two to four days while your entry is checked and then published by the business portal’s editorial team.

Besides the indispensable reference to your own website, the business name, address, and telephone number are among the essential details (the NAP data). But a complete and persuasive business profile goes beyond these basic elements. Elements such as the business logo, specific opening hours and a precise listing of the services or products offered contribute to a comprehensive business profile and improve the user experience. Optionally, additional elements such as business descriptions, managing director information and available payment methods can be added. This turns the business profile into a meaningful and informative showcase.

Inconsistency in business data can affect search engine rankings and lead to a negative customer experience. It is, therefore, highly recommended that you correct and optimize such incorrect entries as soon as possible. The digitalagenten team has many years of experience in cleaning up and unifying such inconsistent business profiles. With precise methods and a keen eye for detail, these problems are eliminated to ensure the integrity and uniformity of business information across all platforms. Emphasis is placed not only on the timeliness of the data but also on ensuring that it is relevant and engaging in the context of the platform and target audience.

Yes, absolutely. All your business’s relevant data is recorded and represented in online directories when implementing local listing strategies. This also includes links to your social media presences, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Thus, Local Listing not only serves to improve local visibility and search engine positioning, but also promotes increased awareness and interaction on your social media channels. This holistic approach is where the added value of Local Listings lies: it serves as a comprehensive tool to strengthen and optimize all the digital touchpoints of your business.

The Yext platform provides an efficient solution for automating activities around Local Listings. It enables faster and easier management of your business listings, ensuring an immediate online presence and consistency across all listings.

As an established Yext partner, we offer tailored and targeted solutions to help you take full advantage of this powerful platform. This includes implementing and customising Yext into your existing marketing processes to ensure optimal performance. With Yext on your side, your business can effectively take control of its online presence and optimize local engagement.

If a site closes, removing the relevant data promptly and efficiently is vital to avoid confusion or misinformation. We use our dedicated Google Cleaner tool for this purpose. It is a powerful tool that allows us to delete unwanted or outdated records quickly and accurately. This tool, combined with our expert know-how, ensures a smooth update of your online presence, maintaining the integrity and accuracy of your business data.

More about Google Cleaner

Local Listing is a crucial component of any sound SEO strategy. A business can more effectively engage with potential customers who are conducting locally relevant searches by improving local visibility. With the help of Local Listings, a business can generate more traffic, improve its online reputation and ultimately increase sales. Therefore, it is a tool that should not be neglected.

The frequency of reviewing and updating Local Listings depends on various factors, including changes within the business and market dynamics. However, as a general rule, it is advisable to review listings at least once a quarter and update them as necessary. In the event of changes, such as a new phone number, address or business hours, listings should be updated promptly to ensure that users are always provided with accurate and relevant information.

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– digitalagenten – Your Local Listing agency, Berlin